Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Thank You!

My heart is full of gratitude for the amazing show of support on Saturday.  The week before was quite a challenge with low ticket sales, but then Saturday arrived and we could not be more thankful for all of you who attended and volunteered.  It takes a village to put on an event this size.  Thank you for coming early to setup in 90 degree heat, staying late to pack-up, for volunteering, for bidding - for making it a fun night!  We will let you know how much we raised soon.

Parent and professional photographer Jackie Pinto has once again taken beautiful photos of our children at recess.  The photos are available for a $20 donation.  Photos albums are on display below the auction board in the entry of school across from the giving tree/stairs.  If you see one you'd like to take home, pull it out and bring your $20 donation per photo upstairs to Lynda or Bonnie.  The albums will be on display until May 3rd

We are continuing to sell tickets for the Funderland private party on June 1st, 5 – 8pm.  You can download the ticket form to pay by check or purchase your tickets online along with a few additional items in an online auction, view items here, the additional auction items will be available until May 3rd, Funderland tickets will be available until May 31st.

Mary Ellen and Paul

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Buy Your Spring Auction Tickets by April 5th

Buy tickets!  Come to the event and enjoy great food, drinks, music, company, and dancing.  Tickets are available on the auction website or download the form to pay by check. 
Buy your tickets by April 5th

Golden Ticket - Purchase a Golden Ticket Raffle for $100 and select which Live Auction item you want, if your name is drawn, the item is yours before it goes to bid! Purchase tickets on the auction website ordownload the form to pay by check.

Wine Contest - Collection has ended. The winner is 2nd Grade! They have chosen a Jamba Juice party! Thank you parents!
Happy Bidding!
Live Auction Items List
 Silent Auction Item List